The upcoming VNX adapter doesn't support Symmetrix or VMAX at all - its a VNX adapter, not VMAX
The currently available Symmetrix adapter DOES work with VMAX arrays. However, it has some notable definiciences (these are true for all the Symms it works with):
- Its collection method (TTP data gathered every 1 min) is quite heavy on the array - sufficiently so that the default 1 minute interval is actually not supported for use Switching it to every 5 mins is better, but still pretty heavy duty. Its possible to impact array performance.
- The metrics it posts are for frontend adapters, cache and backend adapters. No data is posted/processed about disks, devices, symdevs or individual LUNs.
- It does not link into the rest of vCops for relationships, so root cause analysis doesn't work.
- VMware has definitivly stated they will be doing no further work on the adapter, and so its pretty much abandonware.
So clearly there is room for EMC to pick up development and create an improvement.....