Hi again
Sorry for being a bit to straightforward... I to would have done the same aproach.
Well. from what i can remember, and i might be wrong. But if you search my forum posts i think i explained what happend there. it shouldn't be to many, maybe like 20 total...
I think i never got the card to be installed proberly in the device manager... And to only get a BSOD when i alteest got it to display something at all.
Altough i think i got the card working using XBMC.... (This is a trick i also posted somewhere, that you should always try out XBMC live, because it defaults output display to the GFX card...)
But i think that when i rebooted this machine with the 5450 in xbmc the whole ESXI system Froze or something... really strange behavior...
the 5450 is now running my console....
I hope this propably confusing post is helping you out.
I did have som wine, and english is not my born language....
2013/1/12 MarBen <communities-emailer@vmware.com<mailto:communities-emailer@vmware.com>>
VMware Communities<http://communities.vmware.com/index.jspa>
VMDirectPath and ATI Radeon
reply from MarBen<http://communities.vmware.com/people/MarBen> in VMware ESXi™ 4 - View the full discussion<http://communities.vmware.com/message/2176821#2176821