Dear the genius William Lam,
Happy christmas.
I had tried to restore a a backup of virual machine with "ghettoVCB-restore"
the back was created by using the script "".
i had updated line line 87 of the script :
"if [ "${ESX_VERSION}" == "5.0.0" ]; then"
"if [[ "${ESX_VERSION}" == "5.0.0" ]] || [[ "${ESX_VERSION}" == "5.1.0" ]]; then"
after that the script "ghettoVCB-restore" show the following error :
"ERROR: This script needs to be executed by \"root\"!"
So i had removed the followinf portion of the script :
if [ ! "`whoami`" == "root" ]; then
logger "ERROR: This script needs to be executed by \"root\"!"
echo "ERROR: This script needs to be executed by \"root\"!"
exit 1
the operation of restoring the bachup had compleated successfully.
But there was some errorrs , i think it is releated to the following :
the value of $VM_DISPLAY_NAME!
the log file was corrpted
the value of date (START_TIME , END_TIME)
Could you please review the script and fix the issues ?