Hello, markdjones82-
Typically, I would say that this would involve setting up a new VM configuration specification and using the ReconfigVM() method of a VirtualMachine object. But, it looks like in PowerCLI version 5.1 rel 2 (released yesterday), VMware added a parameter, "Portgroup", to the Set-NetworkAdapter cmdlet.
So, now you should be able to do something like:
## get the VM upon which to act
## get the standard virtual portgroup from the VMHost on which this VM resides
$oStdPortgroupToUse=Get-VirtualPortgroup-VMHost$vm0.VMHost -Standard -Name"10.10.10.x"
## set the network adapter using the new -Portgroup parameter to Set-NetworkAdapter
Get-NetworkAdapter-VM$vm0-Name"Network adapter 1" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $oStdPortgroupToUse-Confirm:$false
How does that do for you?
Message was edited by mattboren: updated code to include "-Standard" param on Get-VirtualPortgroup call, as pointed out by markdjones82