You may be hitting a bug depending on how you setup your vdc. I have encountered a similar issue when the cpu speed is set to match exactly the processor speed. It looks like a rounding issue. Check the logs in vCenter and see what the error is there. I have found that often vCloud director is giving a very bland error but vCenter will be more spefific. Not that vCenter is the greatest where its errors are concerned but I will stop my griping. it is bound to expose more of the problem. Anyway if say you have processors that are reported to be running at 2.67Ghz they are likely really running at 2.659 or some number like that. So if in your virtual datacenter you have specified that the cpu speed is 2.67 **and** you set your reservations to 100% vCenter will report back that there are no available processors that can meet this. If you drop it down to 2.66 or maybe 2.65 then the the deployment should succeed.