I faced a similar problem in regards to licensing usage (Microsoft VDA and Office) and also in managing Visio and Project, disabling those for users who are not licensed. What I ended up finding is that there is a option in the ADM templates (Group Policies) that allows you to specifiy an application that can be executed on first connect and a seperate entry for execution on reconnect.
I have a C# app that I wrote to log who is logging in, what desktop they are on, what PCoIP Zero Client (Wyse P20 in my case) they are using, and check a database to see if they are licensed for Visio and/or Project. In the registry, under HKCU\Volatile Environment, the View Agent writes a bunch of information on the conenction, including the DNS name of the client connecting. This is updated on every connect/re-connect. As for the Visio/Project items, I borrowed a page directly from Microsoft, and by setting the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun value to 1 (this is a DWORD key, and if it's not there jsut create it). Then in the key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun (I know this is confusing, but the first one is a value and the second one is a sub key under Explorer), create a sequenced number entry for each program you want to not allow the user to run. So, for the first entry, it would be a value 1 with the data of "visio.exe", the next entry is 2, "winproj.exe", and so forth. So this is handy because Visio and Project are licensed by client, not user, so the user can have a license for their P20, but not for the iPad. The application I created that runs at connect/re-connect, checks the client's DNS name from the registry, and if it doesn't match what's in the license database, the DisallowRun key's are set, otherwise they are cleared.
So, long way around the answer to your question, and I hope I helped.