I decide to go back to Workstation 8.0.5.
- HDS-PXU2 on Host OS can't auth when any Guest OS is running on Workstation 9.0.1 even if "VMware Workstation Server" service has been stopped.
- If "VMware USB Arbitraction Service" service is stopping, HDS-PXU2 on Host OS can auth even if Gest OS is running on Workstation 9.0.1. But while "VMware USB Arbitraction Service" service stopping, Windows 8 Guest OS can't use any touch gesture on my touch display, because my touch display uses USB.
- Workstation 8.0.x works without problem for using HDS-PXU2 on Host OS and Windows 8 Guest OS with my touch display. Workstation 8.0.x has problem too with using HDS-PXU2 in Guest OS. But it's not problem for me.